by Sue Hodgson – 

A few days ago a lovely local person came to my office, anxiously hoping to connect with me. After a few minutes she said, “Sue, your column gets better and better every month! How do you do it?” Her words filled my heart with gratitude and love. I told her that I’m really not a writer, but maybe, as my new friend said, I’m a writer “from the heart.” My “First Word” column each month gives me some of my most precious moments. It’s a time for me to be creative, and to hopefully make a connection with people, whatever their viewpoint.

At this time of year I’m thinking about making memories and doing some reflecting. As I look back over this year at Seaside Magazine, I’m feeling very grateful. Really, what better time of the year is there to give thanks to all the amazing people who have impacted my life? A big thank you to everyone! Growing up, I don’t really think I understood what the holidays were about, except for waking up and finding amazing presents under a beautifully decorated tree. Now the holidays represent so much more: this time of the year is about giving back and realizing how truly grateful I am for all the blessings I have.

I think it’s safe to say that most people are just a little happier during the festive season. A wave of Christmas cheer takes over us until mid-January because now is the time when it’s perfectly OK to overindulge, to spend a bit more and to have a few late nights. And it’s not just me that feels the effects of the season: our community is decorated with beautiful light displays and festive accessories as people prepare for the busiest time of the year for retail.

But while many of us will be buzzing with excitement, we must not forget those that don’t always feel that way. For some the holidays can be a lonely or a sad time of the year. So take the time to remember those who could be feeling lost. Simply knocking on your neighbour’s door, or inviting an elderly person in for tea, could make a world of difference.

It’s like the connection I made the other day – it meant the world to me and now I’m anxiously waiting to make more before the end of the year!

Here’s to a very Joyeux Noel!

Seaside Sue


Photo by Janis Jean Photography. Clothing provided and styled by Baden Baden Boutique, Sidney.