If you would like your event listed please send the date, times, event details and one image to news@seasidemagazine.ca
3rd Saturday of the month @ 10am-1pm
Repair Café North Saanich
A free meeting place where voluntary repairers with skills in sewing, carpentry, electrical and bikes can help fix your item on the spot. Plus knife sharpening and tech help with digital devices. For details and to volunteer: www.repaircafenorthsaanich.ca or email: repaircafenorthsaanich@gmail.com.
January 6, 13 & 20
Victoria Arion Male Choir Seeking New Singers!
We are actively seeking new singers for our non-auditioned choir starting in the new year, January 2025. We sing in four-part harmony and our repertoire covers a wide variety of styles. Come and join us on Mondays, starting January 6th at 7:00 pm. We rehearse at Cordova Bay United Church, 813 Claremont Ave. Our open houses are January 6th,13 and 20thand are open to all who want to try us out! Our musical director is Sean Lampard-Quicke and our collaborative pianist is Jennifer Mitchell. Both are talented, professional choral musicians.
For more information on becoming a member or about the choral scholar program please contact Jim Johnson at jimmysj@shaw.ca or check out our web site at www.vamc.ca.
The Victoria Arion (A-RYE-ON) Male Choir was created in 2018 with the merger of the Arion Male Voice Choir (possibly the oldest of its type in Canada) and the Victoria Male Voice Choir.
February 9 & 16
Learn to Meditate – Practical Workshops
Sunday February 9 , 2 – 4 pm: Centering Meditation & Contemplative Reading of Inspired Writings
Sunday February 16 , 2 – 4 pm: Centering Meditation and Labyrinth Walking
Location: St Paul’s United Church 2410 Malaview Avenue, Sidney, BC V8L 2G3 We live in a time of major change and transition. Daily life is filled with competing demands and we often feel stressed and overwhelmed. It can be difficult to find our centre and to remain focused. These meditation workshops are designed to help us regain a sense of connection and wholeness. These Meditation Practices will: – Allow us to rest in the present moment – Teach us to let go of regrets about the past and worry about the future – Help us to live out of the fullness of who we truly are, letting go of our attachment to the daily dramas of life. We will learn and practice: – Centering Meditation – Contemplative Reading of Inspired Writings – Labyrinth Walking Each workshop includes an introduction to meditation practice, doing the practice, and discussion about integrating the practice into our daily lives. Attend one or both as you are able. The workshops are facilitated by experienced meditators, Linda Mulhall and Henri Lock ALL ARE WELCOME regardless of experience.
Please register for one or both Workshops by emailing name: contemplativenetwork@gmail.com OR Register online here: https://forms.gle/F4PuEKr6hvrGYrQB9 Fee: Pay from the Heart, as you are able, $0 to $25 at the door or by e-transfer to contemplativenetwork@gmail.com Sponsored by the Contemplative Network of Greater Victoria in association with St Paul’s United Church.
February 16 @ 2 pm
Sooke Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus Tea & Symphony
This year’s Tea and Symphony takes place on Sunday February 16, 2:30 PM at the Sooke Community Hall.
The Sooke District Lioness will be catering with sweet and savory finger foods, coffee and tea. The tables are always beautifully set with tablecloths, fresh flowers and delicate porcelain teacups.
Yariv Aloni and the Sooke Philharmonic Orchestra will be bringing you a selection of musical treats by Mozart and Tchaikovsky. Cellist Caitlyn Liu, a recent graduate of the University of Victoria music program, will play Tchaikovsky’s graceful, virtuosic Variations on a Rococo Theme. Mozart’s La Clemenza di Tito Overture and his Symphony No.35, nicknamed “Haffner”, complete the program. Both works are quintessential Mozart at his sparkling, lively best.
Join us on Feb 16th for a wonderful afternoon of music and show your support for this fundraiser and the dedicated musicians and volunteers who make our concerts happen.
Tickets sell out quickly for this popular event. Purchase your tickets now by clicking here: Tea & Symphony tickets
Tickets will also be available at Pharmasave in Sooke as of February 1st.