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by Jamila Douhaibi | photo by Sarah Hartley Photography - Food is so many things – it's sustenance, culture and friendship. It's also Emily Bland's love language and the way she serves the students at Sidney Elementary School. After working to receive her Red Seal as a chef, she decided to move away from 16-hour [...]
Home & Garden
by Janice Henshaw | photos by Joshua Lawrence - "The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever," said Jacques Cousteau. No wonder this home's setting is so spectacular! If location, location, location matters, then this amazing home is right at the top with five stars. The terraced seaside [...]
by Sue Hodgson - As I reflect a little on my life journey so far, I'm struck by how certain people have come to hold a special place in my life. They have become more than just friends or colleagues – they are the backbone of my world, always offering unwavering support and love. I [...]