Book club reads

Book Club – November Meeting

by Deborah Rogers -  Permanent Astonishment is Tomson Highway's first installment of a planned five-volume memoir series. It covers his early years, from birth in sub-Artic Canada to age 15. Highway is a concert pianist, a playwright and a novelist; he's the speaker of many languages, and today splits his life between Canada and Italy, [...]

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Book Club – October Meeting

by Deborah Rogers -  Sometimes when you reach for a book what you're reaching for is comfort and entertainment, something that will sweep you away and let you forget about the world outside. Many of our book club readers found this month's selection was just that. In Iona Iverson's Rules for Commuting, Clare Pooley provided

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September Book Club

by Deborah Rogers -  A world of extreme wealth and inflexible social rules was the setting of our September read. In her historical fiction The Social Graces, Renée Rosen explores the "Gilded Age" in a New York awash with money, and the developing conflict between the "Knickerbockers" with their family wealth, and the new money

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August Book Club

by Deborah Rogers -  Imagine spending months alone, with only musk ox, elk and wolves for company. Imagine paddling, poling and towing a canoe upriver and through ice floes! Imagine covering nearly 4,000km of Canadian wilderness all under your own power. After reading this month's selection, Adam Shoalts' Beyond the Trees – A Journey Alone

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July Book Club

by Deborah Rogers -  We held our July meeting outdoors and a larger group meant lots of insights into our selection, Emily St John Mandel's Sea of Tranquility. It's a book that defies easy categorization, but our starting point of agreement was that Mandel's writing is beautiful. Sea of Tranquility spans hundreds of years and

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