
New & Noteworthy – News, Changes, Updates, Launches

Words Natalie Bobrowich Have something for New & Noteworthy? Email Alzheimer's Breakfast To Remember Join the Alzheimer Society of B.C. for Breakfast to Remember on March 13 at the Delta Victoria Ocean Pointe Resort. This inspiring event unites business leaders, health-care providers and community members to raise awareness and funds for those impacted by

New & Noteworthy – News, Changes, Updates, Launches

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I have now been Editor-in-Chief of Seaside Magazine since 2008 (minus a maternity leave). Sixteen years! It has gone by in the blink of an eye, and I can hardly believe how far the magazine has come since I moved from Vancouver to the Island to take the job – with Tim Flater at the

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Photo Janis Jean As the publisher of Seaside, I’ve had the privilege of sharing countless stories of love, resilience and renewal over the years. In this issue, I approached the idea of renewing vows to my team; our new writer June Murray Dagnall nailed it and I’m so very thankful to Lindsay and Janis for

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