
Seaside Magazine Bird

Salish Sea News: Drain Drain Go Away

by Tina Kelly – Drain drain go away. Updating nursery rhymes with environmental messages may just become the next big thing. It’s a fact: drains do go away – away from the driveway, street or parking lot, and away from the sink, toilet, bathtub and shower, but have you ever thought about what is at […]

Salish Sea News: Drain Drain Go Away


Inside Out: The Spring Cleaning Stretch

by Dr. Stan Marcus, SpineCare Chiropractic – Well, it’s that time of year again. The weather is approaching spring-like and we are almost desperate to get to our spring chores. OK, so perhaps “desperate” is a slight exaggeration: maybe “dreading” would be more appropriate. In either case, it’s that time of year when the yard

Inside Out: The Spring Cleaning Stretch

Common Cents: Responsible Investing

by Deborah Reid – Earth Day reminds us of the responsibility we all have to be thoughtful stewards of the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land that we occupy. After many decades of misuse and abuse, we are now seeing countries holding businesses and citizens responsible and accountable for actions that

Common Cents: Responsible Investing

Seaside Arts Scene

by Gillian Crowley – Art and the Spectacled Bear See how artists from two worlds and two cultures are working together to protect the endangered Peruvian Spectacled Bear. Spectacled Bear Conservation was able to design a 32,000-acre park – El Parque Arqueológico y Ecológico de Batán Grande – which protects a small but viable bear

Seaside Arts Scene

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