
On Design: Landscaping Through a New Lens

by Bianca Bodley, Biophilia Design Collective LTD. –  A great landscape that will stand the test of time is both sustainable and attractive. In its creation, the designer should consider water conservation and habitat creation for birds and insects while at the same time creating a landscape that is unique, distinct, attractive, and complements the […]

On Design: Landscaping Through a New Lens

Motoring: Love at First Sight

by Chris Cowland –  It was love at first sight. As soon as I saw her, I knew I had to have her. She was a few years older than me, but time had been gentle with her. Her curves were exquisite, and she had an outstanding pair of headlights. It was the best £500

Motoring: Love at First Sight

Allison Seaside Magazine

Last Word with Allison Smith

The other day, a “non-daycare day,” I was trying to quickly check my work email on my phone while playing with my daughter. Apparently she noticed my divided attention: “no mommy phone,” she said, and gently took it out of my hand and put it on the table. A good reminder to me that when

Last Word with Allison Smith

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