On Design: Selling Your Home? Don’t Forget the Outside!

by Rosemarie Root, Macdonald Realty Ltd. – 

First impressions are everything, and it couldn’t be more true than when it comes to selling your home. 63% of home buyers will do a “drive-by” after viewing a home they like online. This is your first opportunity! Staging the outside of your house is a surefire way to get buyers in. If they don’t like what they see on the outside, they won’t want to see the inside – your home’s exterior represents what it may look like behind the front door.

Show your pride of ownership before viewers even step into the yard. It should be uncluttered, well manicured, clean, bright and inviting.

Here are a few staging tips that won’t break the bank and will help you get your home sold faster.

Keep your lawn looking its very best.
Spruce up your front lawn by watering, cutting and trimming regularly. Using a fertilizer and weed control will also help keep it looking its very best. People love a beautiful lush green lawn.

Your front entrance should be bright, warm and inviting.
Consider painting your front door with a fresh coat of paint. Replace burnt-out bulbs, worn-out, damaged or outdated light fixtures, numbers and hardware.

Make that driveway look great!
Remove any stubborn or overgrown weeds from the cracks in the driveway. Keep the edge trimmed back of any overgrown grass or plants to keeping a clean straight tidy line.Think of topping up any low gravel areas with fresh gravel to level it out. Use a driveway sealer or paint to cover oil stains that may be an eyesore.

Give your gardens a finished look.
Trim back any overgrown shrubs, bushes and trees. Top up minimal or non-exsistant gardens with larger plants to fill empty holes. Add plants with colour and brightness to give it that extra pop.

Keep the yard clean and de-cluttered.
Remove kids’ toys, garbage cans, recycling bins, piles of scrap wood, metal and junk. Tuck gardening equipment away and out of eyesight. Keeping the yard as tidy as possible is a huge must; no one wants to guess how much clutter may also be in the house!

Remember: curb appeal is a must. You want potential buyers to love the outside so they come inside!

For more information, call 250-508-0112.

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