West Coast Gardener: Landscaping – Increasing Your Home’s Value

by Colin Eaton, Garden City Tree & Landscape – 

Let’s face it: the real estate market in Greater Victoria is hot, but you don’t sell a car without washing it so why would you ever sell your home without ensuring your landscape shows it best?

On numerous occasions I have been called in by homeowners or realtors unable to sell a house because of repeated comments made by potential buyers about the state of the landscape. The answer can be as simple as tidying the property, while in other instances a thorough landscape staging is required. Here are some tips to consider when selling your home.

Street appeal. You may have an incredibly beautiful home, but if a buyer is turned off from the street, then the rest is of little consequence. Ensure the front of your home is tidy, including regular lawn mowing. Pack away any knickknacks you may love. A buyer may not appreciate your collection of garden gnomes!

Passageways / walkways. A buyer must be able to use walks on the property free of obstruction. Low branches or bushy plants are irritants and you want this to be a pleasant experience.

Maintenance of flower beds. We are all busy, and the last thing we want is to add to our workload. Overgrown or unattended flowerbeds means work and this can be an instant turnoff for a potential buyer. Tidy the flowerbeds and consider adding a layer of mulch. Mulch makes the flowerbeds pop while slowing the growth of weeds so you don’t have a maintenance nightmare in a few weeks’ time.

Lawns. Many clients think replacing their lawn will ensure a quick sale, but replacing it can be a costly and time-consuming process. Most lawns can be rejuvenated with a power raking and top dressing, saving you thousands of dollars. From my experience, keep the lawn mowed regularly and use the budget to enhance your garden beds.

Clutter. We all have clutter around our yards, but buyers don’t want to see it. Tidy the wood pile, put away the garden tools and clean up any mess.

Dogs. If you have a pet, ensure any holes created by it are filled so a buyer doesn’t break an ankle. If your dog uses the yard as a litter box, ensure the property is clear of any droppings before someone arrives to see the home. An instant turnoff is dog feces on your shoes!

Remember, a tidy home provides a level of assurance to a buyer that it has been cared for.

Have questions to ask our team of experts? Send your gardening queries to news@seasidemagazine.ca.

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