
Impromptu with Santa Al

by Alan Patterson (Santa Al) –  The Magic of Christmas For Santa, the magic of Christmas is the light that shines in the eyes of children, young or old, as they ask for their gifts. These gifts are their wishes and dreams. Some are grand, while others are the simplest of things – happiness for

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Last Word with Deborah Rogers

The holidays can be a hard time of year. There are dark, gloomy skies that can prompt a bout of blues (or Seasonal Affective Disorder). There’s an overwhelm that sometimes takes place, with festivities to plan and more to do than there is time to do it in. And then there is the abundance of

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Scene Around Town

  Professionals Winners’ Luncheon: 1. Steve Haley-Browning, Seaside Magazine; Fran Daviss, INVIS; Laura McLarty, Flush Bathroom Essentials; Sue Hodgson, Seaside Magazine; Art Finlayson & Silvia Bonet, Finlayson Bonet Architecture; Shannon Kowalko, 10 Acres Farm Saanich Peninsula Chamber of Commerce Mixer at Hook & Hook Renovations: 2. Anna Thomas, Intrigue Hair Design; Richard Flader, Flader Chartered

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