First Word from the Publisher

by Sue Hodgson – 

I was thinking about the line between work and leisure after some particularly busy weeks recently. In the dictionary, recreation is defined as “refreshment of strength and spirits after work, by some form of play, amusement or relaxation.” Note the phrase “after work,” which I assume means the kind of work for which we are paid. But what about the work required to make that “refreshment of strengths and spirit” happen? As I just celebrated my 57th birthday last month, I’m thinking here of preparing yourself for one of those Friday afternoon drives to a weekend getaway spot, that ends up becoming an all-Friday-evening affair. Or the season called “summer” during which we mean to bask in the warming air, but end up digging, planting and watering (not too much this year). These activities don’t sound like recreation as it’s defined, but can all bring a deep feeling of personal satisfaction. Eventually.

This month’s issue brims with people who believe without a doubt that their work, paid or not, is worth the effort.

Take for example Stewart’s Berry Patch (pg 16), growing blueberries on the Peninsula since 1992. With B.C. as one of the largest highbush blueberry suppliers in the world, don’t let the word “Patch” in the name fool you! We also meet Donna Marie Pitcher (pg 52), a Sidney glass artist who creates fused and stained-glass art, a beautiful art medium that requires skillfully breaking glass into pieces. On page 73, Threshold Housing Society has been working to prevent homelessness for at-risk youth for over 30 years and are now collaborating with NIL TU,O Child and Family Services to redevelop an 18-unit, youth-centred housing project. Finally, it’s a must to check out this issue of Seaside Homes (pg 78) – a complete labour of love and absolutely breathtaking!

We invite you to take some time “after work” and relax with this issue of Seaside. We hope you’ll find your spirits refreshed, and perhaps your own definition of recreation – whatever it may mean for you – strengthened.

Photo by Janis Jean Photography.
Styled by Shai Thompson at House of Lily Koi, Sidney.

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