First Word from the Publisher

by Sue Hodgson – 

We know the weather this summer has been somewhat unpredictable across Canada, but here in Victoria we have had a glorious season. It’s mid-September as I write this, and the days are still warm, but there is a slight chill in the air as the nights approach, so we know fall is almost here. I lament the end of summer because fall generally means less outdoor time and less sunshine. Sometimes it can be a bit of a letdown when things change. All you can think about is how good you had it and how much fun you used to have. You look at the times you’re in now and they just aren’t the same. It can make you sad.

Yes, that’s one way you can look at it. Or you can look forward to everything a new season has to offer! Autumn brings with it woolen scarves, crisp breezes, warm fuzzy jackets, apple cider and the start of the football season. Autumn may not be summer, but it’s beautiful in its own way.

Just as the seasons in nature change, the seasons of life change as well. Change makes you flexible. Being stubborn and resistant to new things will make a normally stressful situation even more so, whereas change helps you to be fluid and go with the flow. Believe it or not, change can make you smarter: if things never changed, you would never learn anything new. Every time you learn a new skill, even if it’s just how to adapt, you become a little smarter.

This year I’ve certainly had my plate full of changes and, with the upcoming season, there are more to come … but that’s for another article!

Change comes in different ways and reminds us that anything is possible. Looking back, I realize that all the good things in my life are the results of changes that occurred in the past. I hope you can find a way to embrace the beauty of the new season. Know that nothing stays the same forever, and that’s actually a good thing!

“If you do not create change, change will create you.”

Seaside Sue

Photo by Janis Jean Photography.

Clothing provided and styled by Baden Baden Boutique, Sidney.

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