First Word from the Publisher

by Sue Hodgson – 

As the proud owner of Seaside Magazine, my team and I have had the privilege for the past 13 years of showcasing countless stories of love, adventure and the vibrant spirit of our seaside community. Yet, today, as I sit down to write this edition’s opening, my heart is filled with a bittersweet blend of joy and longing.

You see, recently, a new addition has graced my life – a furry friend who has brought boundless happiness and an unexpected flood of memories. It all began at a photoshoot for the magazine, where I found myself captivated by a charming little pup from the Victoria Humane Society. Little did I know this furry encounter would awaken a longing within me, stirring memories of a time when my days were filled with the laughter and chaos of raising my two children.

As I welcome George into my home, I can’t help but be reminded of the days when my children were young. The sleepless nights, the endless stream of diapers and the joyful chaos of parenthood flooded back to me with each bleary-eyed morning and every playful bark from my new companion.

But alongside the joy of raising this puppy, there is an ache of longing for the days gone by, for the sweet chaos of childhood and the sound of little feet pitter-pattering through the house. As I watch my furry friend explore his new surroundings, I can’t help but miss the innocence and laughter that once filled my home. Can you tell I miss them!

Yet, there is gratitude for the memories that have shaped me, for the love that continues to stay with me, and for the new adventures ahead. So, as I embark on this journey with George, I carry with it the lessons of the past and more fun for the future, knowing that love will always find a way to fill the empty spaces left behind.

This is dedicated to my two children, Lucas and Eva. I love you!

Seaside Sue

This puppy found a new family (with me!) before this issue hit the streets, but there are many animals waiting for their forever homes at the Victoria Humane Society. For information, visit

Photo by Janis Jean Photography.

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