First Word from the Publisher

by Sue Hodgson –

Hello busy life, you’re back again? 

Every morning for me begins with a quiet moment reading the Globe and Mail and enjoying a strong cup of coffee. With a whirlwind of magazine deadlines, marketing madness and the delightful chaos of puppy parenthood, it’s no surprise I normally have two cups! Those of you who know me, know I’m a bit of a multitasker. A master at it? Not too sure about that. Nonetheless, it’s a title I wear with equal parts pride and exhaustion.

Things kick off with a wake-up call from you-know-who: Mr. George. I sip my coffee while playing ball outside, trying my best to tire him out before I start the day. Last month, I was fortunate to have two lovely young ladies from France stay with me and watch George while I was working. A win-win really! Come August an entirely new routine will start … you’ll have to wait until the next issue to find out how that goes!

In between helping Allison and the team craft the latest issue of Seaside, and plotting some marketing ideas for Canadian Tire, I somehow manage to squeeze in fast walks around the airport and spin classes at Garage Spin Studio. Thank goodness for Raina and Shaye who own this amazing studio! I can pedal and walk my way to sanity; it’s my sacred hour (or two) and a chance to sweat out stress and indulge in some much needed “me time.” Though, truth be told, the real workout is finding the motivation to leave the house with Geroge’s puppy eyes begging me to stay.

As the end of the day comes, yes, I’m tired, but reflecting on my day I feel so blessed to work, play and live in this community. I find such fulfillment in having the blend of professional achievement and personal passions. Being a publisher and enjoying my new role at Canadian Tire, while caring for George, brings a unique rhythm and balance to my life. I’m grateful for it all.

I hope you find many articles within this month’s issue that keep you entertained, inspired and engaged. Our team of dedicated contributors brings our magazine to life each month through their hard work and creativity. Thank you to everyone that has a hand in creating our little piece of heaven, our Seaside Magazine.


Photo by Janis Jean Photography. Clothing provided and styled by Moden Boutique. Shot on location at Port Sidney; with thanks to Freedom Marine Yacht Sales.

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