First Word from the Publisher

by Sue Hodgson –

As I reflect a little on my life journey so far, I’m struck by how certain people have come to hold a special place in my life. They have become more than just friends or colleagues – they are the backbone of my world, always offering unwavering support and love. I feel very fortunate to have these people in my life. They have been there through both the highs and the lows, and their presence has absolutely shaped my experiences in ways I cannot fully express. Their encouragement, kindness, genuine care and tough love have been constants, providing stability and strength when I needed it most. I may not see them everyday, or even sometimes for months at a time, but they know who they are.

It’s easy to overlook the depth of these connections in our busy lives, but I want to take a moment to acknowledge how much they mean to me. They have been a source of comfort, joy and inspiration. The impact is profound and the support a guiding light, helping me navigate both the ordinary and extraordinary moments of life.

I’m reminded of the importance of extending the same kindness and support to others. We often get caught up in our own lives but there is great value in reaching out and helping those around us, especially if we are blessed with abundance in our own lives. Simple acts of compassion and generosity can make a significant difference in someone else’s world.

Let’s be kinder to one another, lend a hand when we can and offer support to our neighbours. These small gestures can have a big impact and help build a stronger community where everyone feels valued and cared for.

Enjoy this issue of Seaside Magazine and share it with your neighbours and friends! It’s the heart of our community.

Seaside Sue


Photo by Janis Jean. Clothing provided and styled by Moden Boutique.
Shot on location at Port Sidney; with thanks to Freedom Marine Yacht Sales.

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