From the Kitchen – It’s a Wrap

by Joan Saunders | photos by Kathryn Alvarez Photography –

These recipes take me back – way back – to my childhood. As both of my parents were teachers, we spent most summer holidays camping. In the early days we had a big old behemoth of a tent trailer. Later on, we upped our game and my parents purchased a Volkswagen van, along with a tent for my older brother and me. Imagine a family of five in a Volkswagen van for nine weeks driving across Canada and then back again. And we survived to tell the tale!

One of the meals my mom discovered during our adventures was foil dinners. It saved us having to do the dishes, as that was generally the kids’ job, and the whole process of putting them together seemed vaguely adventurous so a number of foil meal packets were improvised over the years. Some options were very appealing; others not so much. 

I do remember one such meal with very burned chunks of potatoes and almost raw hamburger patties, so that combination didn’t make a return engagement. However, banana boats were always a hit. You can’t go wrong with a dessert that involves as much chocolate and marshmallow as you can stuff into a channel cut into a banana. Fabulous.

Just remember that these types of recipes are an evolving summertime art form. You can add whatever you like that you think will work, and you’ll soon discover what options and flavour combinations you prefer. Even if you don’t go for the chicken dinner, try the banana boats. They’re perfect for August evenings and they truly are glorious in their melty, ooey gooey goodness. And if foil dinners played a small part in helping my family make it across Canada and back home again, they are definitely worth a try. 

Chicken Foil Dinner (makes 4)

1 1/2 pounds baby potatoes, thinly sliced
4 tsp olive oil
salt, pepper
8 boneless, skinless chicken thighs
1-2 sliced peppers (whichever you prefer)
1 sliced onion
green beans, about 2 handfuls, chopped in half widthwise
1/4 cup bacon bits
2/3 cup grated cheddar cheese
barbecue sauce of your choice
green onions or chives, chopped small
sour cream

Preheat barbecue to medium-high heat. Lay out four pieces, about 16 inches long each, of heavy duty aluminum foil (or double up on layers of thinner foil). Place equal amounts of sliced potatoes and onions in the middle of each packet. Then layer on green beans and sliced peppers. Drizzle potato and veggie mixture with olive oil; add some salt and pepper. If you prefer, substitute or add niblet corn, chopped tomatoes or thinly sliced carrots. Brush each side of chicken with barbecue sauce. Place two chicken thighs in each packet, on top of potatoes and veggies.

Wrap up each packet by bringing together the two sides and rolling it up. Then roll up each open end to tightly seal packet.

Place on hot grill, put lid down and cook (potatoes on the bottom) for about 25-30 minutes or until potatoes are tender and chicken is cooked through (meat should register 165° F).

Open packets carefully; top with some grated cheddar cheese and bacon bits. Place packets back on grill (no need to re-seal) to melt cheese, about 3-5 minutes.

Garnish with sour cream, chives.

Can serve this in the package or meal can be scooped out onto a plate.

Banana Boats

as many ripe bananas as needed
chocolate of your choice
aluminum Foil

For each banana, cut out a flap the length of the banana on the top flat side. Leave the top part of the peel connected to the banana skin. Remove, with a spoon, the middle part of the banana, leaving most of it still intact in the peel. You now have a channel in the middle of the banana where you can stuff however many chocolate and marshmallow bits you prefer. 

Make sure the pieces of each aren’t too big or too small as you want them to melt, but not disappear. I generally tear one regular size marshmallow into four pieces.

Once you’ve filled the channel in the banana, fold the still-attached banana peel flap back down and wrap the banana carefully in foil. Place, standing upright, on the barbecue to melt the chocolate and marshmallow inside. This will take about 10-15 minutes.

Remove from barbecue, unwrap carefully and enjoy. Be careful as they’re hot. Use a spoon to scoop out all of the warm chocolate, marshmallow and banana goodness. Repeat as needed.

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