Globehopping – Off The Beaten Path: 5 of The Most Scenic Trails on Vancouver Island

story and photos by Shelley Tice – 

Hiking is an easy, inexpensive way to experience the natural beauty of Vancouver Island. Our family’s favourite hikes lead us through West Coast forests to beautiful views, vistas and beaches that we can visit in a few hours, keeping everyone happy. We typically pair our hikes with our favourite food spot and make a day of it. Here’s what’s on our shortlist.


Botanical Beach – Port Renfrew
2.9 km, easy loop trail that takes about 45 minutes

One of our absolute favourite places on the Island is Botany Bay, usually our first stop on our walk. There are several stairs and tree roots to get to the beach, so wear good shoes. Depending on the weather you might find fog and crashing waves, or calm water and a view that goes on forever. The rocks surrounding the beach are worth exploring on a calm day. Time your visit to see the tide pools throughout the park at low tide. There is lots of parking, and washrooms at the trailhead. Just a few minutes away, the Renfrew Pub is a fantastic lunch spot for the family to relive all their favourite hiking moments.


Hole in the Wall – Port Alberni
2.4 km, easy out-and-back trail that takes about 40 minutes

Our family’s go-to stop on the way to Long Beach. The trail starts across the street from Coombs Country Candy Store. You can find parking on the neighbouring streets before carefully crossing the highway. Stay right at the fork and make your way down to the river and waterfall that once held the city’s waterline. During the summer, add an inukshuk to the others that line the riverbed. This hike gets muddy in the rainy season, so bring your hiking boots.


Holmes Peak Trail, Gowlland Tod Provincial Park – Millstream
2.7 km, moderate out-and-back trail that takes about an hour

Who can resist a swing with a view? There is plenty of parking, and washrooms at the trailhead. Be sure to follow the signs for Holmes Peak as there are a few different hikes from the parking lot. This trail is steep in spots as you summit the peak, but I promise the views and swing overlooking the inlet are worth it. Take a picnic to eat in the meadow at the top.


Sandcut Beach – Shirley
1.8 km, moderate out-and-back trail that takes about half an hour

One of the most unique oceanfront waterfall experiences. After a short forest walk and a steep set of stairs, you’ll hear the waves crashing. Turn left as you come off the trail and make your way down the rocky beach to the waterfall. Depending on the season, you can walk along the sandstone wall behind the falls or explore the dry riverbed above the falls. There is a small parking lot and washroom at the trailhead. We always combine this walk with a stop at Shirley Delicious, our favourite for all things breakfast.


Stoney Hill Regional Park – Maple Bay
3.4 km, easy loop trail that takes about an hour

The views from the bluffs are spectacular, looking out over Sansum Narrows across to Salt Spring. There is plenty of parking and washrooms at the trailhead. Take a picnic to enjoy on the bluffs before walking back through the Garry oak forest.

For more Vancouver Island favourites, have a look at our family travel blog at

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