Inside Out – The Skinny on Thinning Hair

by Annilee Armstrong, Red’s Chair – 

Whether it’s due to aging, genetics, hormonal changes or other causes, hair thinning and loss can be worrisome and frustrating.

Healthy hair and hair growth begins with a healthy scalp. It’s important to remember that our internal health can directly affect our scalp and hair. Much the same as medications affect skin and nails, they can also affect hair negatively. Keeping a healthy balanced diet and drinking enough water are things that can directly have a positive impact on our skin, nails and hair.

If we think of our scalp like a garden … what we put into it, we may get out of it. With a garden, we tend to the soil before we plant the seeds, we till, fertilize and water it and watch our healthy garden grow – provided there are no other underlying issues, we should get a full crop! Think about your hair in the same way: if we take care of our scalp, we are providing a healthy foundation for the hair to grow from. Since our hair grows from beneath the scalp, we need to make sure that scalp is healthy.

The follicle openings are where the hair shoots out of the scalp. Sometimes that opening can get clogged with soap, product, sweat and normal skin shedding. The more clogged it is, the more the hair is choked out and can appear thinner over time.

Since it’s blood that feeds the hair (fun fact!), the more we stimulate the scalp, the more blood flow we’ll have to the area. Also making sure the scalp is clean and the follicle openings are clear of buildup will help your hair to appear fuller. Looking for products that stimulate the scalp is beneficial. There are a lot of products on the market and it’s hard to know which ones to use. Since hair regrowth hasn’t yet been discovered, products will help you keep the hair you still have, while keeping the follicle openings clear to better allow hair to continue to grow.

Female pattern baldness is also something we see regularly: while baldness is typically something we associate with men, it happens to women as well. Female pattern baldness tends to have an all-over thinning affect, whereas male pattern baldness tends to start as a receding hairline around the temple and through the top of the head.

Your hairdressing professional can share information on which products are available, and is a great place to start the conversation about hair loss and talk about a regimen that can help. It can be a hard conversation to have but rest assured, we care and will be able to talk about it in a discreet and sensitive manner.

If we feel the situation might be something more, then we’ll suggest you take your concerns to a medical professional.

Last but not least: as the summer sunshine approaches, it’s important to make sure we protect that precious scalp! Anyone who has experienced a sunburn knows how uncomfortable it can be – especially when that warm shower water touches it! If you’re in a pinch, just apply sunblock to your part line, and shampoo out when you’re able. More importantly, grab a hat! Full coverage is best.

Keeping your scalp healthy and protected is key to that beautiful crown – the one we never take off!

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