Seaside Magazine Bird

Island Dish: Chim Chimminey

– by Jennifer Bowles –

Recently my husband and I were enjoying a quick bite and a glass of vino at a funky little bar in Vancouver when we both realized we were sitting next to a very well-known movie star. In an effort to share my excitement, yet still seem nonchalant, I casually pulled out my phone and texted my husband something along the lines of ‘OMG OMG OMG OMG!! ‘

I could see that everyone in the restaurant was respecting his space by not approaching him, save for a few girls who had to come to the bar for a glass of ice, an extra straw and a few rather obvious requests including asking what time it was. I, however, was determined to just remain cool and take in the moment. A few minutes passed and he turned to me and asked if I would pass him a coaster … what happened next will go down in my book of life as one of the most incredible conversations I have ever had about food.

I can’t actually recall how we got to talking, I think he mentioned something about parking in Vancouver and it just kicked off from there. Strangely enough, as each minute passed by and we got to chatting, I forgot that he was famous … and somehow I think he did too. The conversation was raw, funny and became a genuine exchange of words between two regular people who basically really love to talk about food.

We talked for about an hour. We swapped recipes, talked about BBQ dos and don’ts, best cup of coffee, pretentious celebrity foodies, junk food and food trucks. We introduced our mates to one another and short of having a group-hug; we became best friends … ok, maybe that last bit is a stretch.

Celebrity status aside (for the record, I never acknowledged who he was, and neither did he) I did get a few gems handed to me that day. He told me that whenever he hosts dinner at his place, there’s one recipe he always makes, and it was a simple, guaranteed hit. He proceeded to scrawl the recipe for chimichurri on a napkin, and now I’m going to share it with you!

In case you’ve never heard of chimichurri, it’s essentially a South American version of pesto, with parsley as the base. It’s a well-known topping for nearly anything, especially steak, and makes a killer dip when mixed with a bit sour cream. This recipe should be a nice change of pace after all the heavy holiday feasting.


1 bunch fresh parsley – finely chopped

1 small bunch fresh oregano – finely chopped

2-3 cloves of garlic – crushed

3-4 tablespoons of red wine vinegar

1/3 cup olive oil

Small pinch of red chili flakes

Salt & Pepper to season

Simply combine all the ingredients in a bowl, and set aside for 30 minutes to allow the flavours to blend. Spoon over grilled meat or fish and enjoy!

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