Last Word from the Editor-in-Chief

by Allison Smith – 

All seasons have something to offer on our beautiful West Coast but for me, my favourite has always been the fair and market season! On the Saanich Peninsula we’re lucky enough to have many markets to visit in the summer and early fall, and once those wrap up for the year there is Christmas craft fair season to look forward to. I love wandering amongst the vendors, admiring how their skill and creativity combine into unique offerings. I always dreamed of one day having my own booth at one of these events and in 2019, I finally hit upon an idea that proved worth exploring.

For a while, I experienced some success with my little “side hustle,” having my earrings carried in stores all over Vancouver Island. But what started simply as a hobby and a way to make a little bit of extra income quickly grew to take over all of my spare time (already minimal with my work at Seaside, a kid and a dog!), and I questioned whether this was the right path for me. Then one day I received a large order from a Parksville boutique; I found myself dreading the time I’d need to spend fulfilling it, and not caring about the money I’d be paid for it. That was when I realized that perhaps my priorities didn’t align with my little business and soon after, I closed my earring shop.

When you’re a small business entrepreneur, passion for whatever you’re selling must go hand in hand with the financial benefit. On page 15, Amber Isles, founder of RockCoast Confections, talks about her journey to success and how for her, slow, careful growth has been the right path for her. I’ve known Amber since we were teenagers, and watched her booth at local craft fairs gradually grow into the recognizable products we all know and love. Amber introduces our annual focus on small business, The Professionals, where we shine a spotlight on those who have created something that is now woven into the fabric of our local business community. Through their businesses we keep our dollars circulating locally, building strong relationships and contributing to a healthier Saanich Peninsula.

Photo by Janis Jean. Clothing provided and styled by Moden Boutique.
Shot on location at Port Sidney.

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