Last Word from the Editorial Director

by Deborah Rogers – 

November can be a bit of an in-between month. Those beautiful blue-sky days of September seem so long in the past, but December and all its festivities are still weeks away. How to make the most of the month when the days are suddenly shorter and it’s just possible it might not stop raining?

It’s time for hobbies and indoor activities! November will be the last Seaside Book Club meeting until January. This year, our seventh, has been fantastic. Every month we’ve read something very different, and an engaged and enthusiastic group of readers attend the meetings and read along at home. Literary events continue in our community though, including a Reading Series from Sidney LitFest (pg 39) this month. Make sure you take a look through our events listing, Take Note (pgs 87-89); there are lots of social opportunities as well as the arts events.

Through our long hot summer I took every chance I could to swim in the sea. I know there are many hardy types who will continue ocean dips year-round, but I decided to take my habit indoors this fall, returning to the pool at Panorama for the first time in many years. We’re so lucky to have this facility on the Peninsula with plenty of space for swimmers of all abilities, and the swirl pool for a post-swim relax. It’s a great time to try a new – or revisit an old – activity, and everyone knows movement is good for the body and spirit.

Several of our writers touch on the idea of transitions this month including Little Adventures with a first preschool visit (pg 33), Natural Path with wellness tips for the season change (pg 57) and Living Off the Land, looking at succession planning at Symphony Vineyard (pg 58). As the seasons come and go our lives will see shifts in activity, mood or routine. The trick is to lean into the changes. If all else fails, we can take advice from Tilar
(pg 69) and get into the holiday spirit(s) early!

Photo by Janis Jean Photography. Clothing provided and styled by Barbara’s Boutique, Sidney.

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