The Natural Path: The Healthy Aging Male & Andropause

by Dr. Kristen Bovee, Peninsula Naturopathic Clinic – 

What is Andropause? Male menopause, or “andropause,” is a gradual reduction of testosterone in men that begins around the age of 40. On average, men’s testosterone reduces at a rate of 1% per year after age 40 and its reduction can have multiple effects on the body including fatigue, loss of libido, depression, hair loss, loss of muscle mass, osteoporosis, and anemia to name a few. Although this sounds very depressing, there are many safe solutions for men who are having signs and symptoms of andropause.

With most of my male patients, particularly if they are over the age of 40, I will suggest blood testing for testosterone levels. Many men do not exhibit symptoms, nor are they aware that they have conditions related to testosterone deficiency (ie. osteoporosis, anemia). If levels come back low, we discuss approaches to maintain current levels and look at ways to optimize or increase them.

MACA for male support. Natural medicine has many effective botanicals that can support the male system and hormones. One of my favourites is MACA (Lepidium meyenii); it’s found in the Andes of Peru and is part of the broccoli family. It is a nutritious root containing phytonutrients, zinc, fatty acids and amino acids. It is considered an adaptogen, which helps the body manage stress. Black maca has been shown to increase sperm counts, therefore it is beneficial for fertility, and red maca has been shown to clinically reduce prostate size in rats. I suggest patients use an organic powder form and add it to a nutritious shake or oatmeal in the morning. Noted beneficial effects of maca include: increased energy, libido and moods.

Nutrition and Exercise. Diet and activity level also plays an important role in male hormone health. Eating well is sensible advice at any age but in the regards to the aging male, it is particularly important. Foods high in zinc, such as pumpkin seeds, spinach, cashews and shellfish, have a positive effect on testosterone production. Regularly consuming green leafy vegetables and limiting high amounts of animal fats can also support healthy hormone levels. Nuts, seeds, and avocados and foods high in omega fats should be eaten more often as an energy source rather than red animal protein.

Exercise is paramount for testosterone production. High intensity exercise has been shown to increase human growth hormone, which is partly responsible for increasing muscle mass, exercise releases endorphins for mood balance and increases metabolism. Men with higher muscle mass generally have higher testosterone levels.

Testosterone replacement. Sometimes it is necessary to consider hormone replacement therapy when treating andropause. Testosterone can be administered via a topical gel or by injection. Benefits to using hormone replacement are its ease of use and its high level of effectiveness. Men with significant hormone loss may need testosterone to help build bone, blood and with maintaining male muscle mass and body hair. This hormone should not be used in men with a history of prostate cancer, BPH (enlarged prostate) or with significant cardiovascular risk. It is a useful hormone that can help reverse and improves the effects of andropause.

Aging is a given part of life, how we age however, is something that we have some ability to influence. This is why it is important for men to not ignore signs of testosterone deficiency and take a proactive approach to maintaining this important hormone throughout their lives.

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