Out for a … Round of Disc Golf

story and photos by Scottee Giles – 

The whir of a flying disc lasted only a moment followed by the satisfying ping of a resonant target. Disc golf discs are slightly smaller and heavier than regular frisbees, and the fun sport of disc golf involves throwing your disc from tee-off locations toward targets along a course. Targets may be a basket or tonal post.

The disc golf course at Bayside Middle School in Brentwood Bay is 18 holes, some with fun names like First Timer, Soggy Bottom, Brian’s French Kiss, and Sleeping Beauty. Game play is similar to golf. Groups of two to four (or more!) take turns trying to reach the target in as few throws as possible. To get started, look for the #1 plaque on the southwest wall of the building. Some common courtesy rules are also posted there along with information about how to make a donation to support this unique course. The volunteers are currently fundraising to replace worn baskets.

Each tee offers shorter or longer distance options depending on players skill level, and the easy terrain is suitable for all ages and abilities. Leave your disc wherever it lands and then start from that spot for your next shot.

We enjoyed walking amongst the many beautiful pine, arbutus, fir and cottonwood trees on the property. Dragonflies darted about over tangled mounds of blackberry vines still ripe with fruit, and fluffy tufts of thistle seed heads drifted slowly in the late summer sun.

Allow two hours to complete the course, which is about a kilometre long and winds across fields and through short stretches of forested trails past neighbouring horse farms.


Things to Note

  • The course at 1101 Newton Place is open evenings and weekends to the Bayside community and friends. Bring your own discs
  • There are no fees but please consider making a donation by emailing the volunteers – contact info is posted by the first hole
    Ample parking is available
  • No washrooms or garbage receptacles are on site – pack in and pack out
  • No smoking, vaping, or drinking alcohol is permitted on the property
  • Use caution throwing discs near people, vehicles and buildings
  • Respect neighbouring properties and do not cross fences
  • The lower field may be closed due to flooding during heavy rains
  • Look for the course map on the back of the school’s sign
  • Check out this page for recreational disc golf rules: www.tinyurl.com/4ny694de

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