by Tara MacDonald –
Jocelyn Hill
Jocelyn Hill is the most beautiful viewpoint on the whole Peninsula.
It is located in the Gowland Tod Provincial Park.
Route Details
• The trailhead is located just to the right of the park map; it heads down.
• Stay to the right at the first intersection.
• Follow the orange blazes and the intersection signs towards Holmes peak – about 1.2km from the start. Be sure to head out to the Holmes viewpoint for an incredible view of the inlet.
• Continue down off Holmes, still following orange blazes and the intersection signs towards “the ridge trail” and Jocelyn.
• About 4kms from the trailhead you arrive at the top of Jocelyn – pictures and a snack!
• Head back the same way, first following the intersections for Ridge Trail and Holmes and then to Caleb Pike.
• Lots of free parking at Caleb Pike.
• There are outhouses.
• No water, so come prepared.
• Trail is marked, with orange blazes and signposts at most intersections.
• Year round, but a bit muddier and slippery after a rainfall.
• Allow about three hours to hike or two hours to run.