Scene Around Town


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Peninsula Celebrations Society Polar Bear Swim: 1. Some hearty local residents brave the frigid waters off Lochside Drive in Sidney

Sidney Pier Hotel & Spa’s Tombstone Fundraiser for the Sidney Lions Food Bank: 2. Current and past Sidney Pier Hotel & Spa team members Emily Watson, Emily Moray, Jess Ward and her gunslinger, Nancy Gullason 3. Ashlie Sweeney and Ashley Stelck, Sidney Pier Hotel & Spa 4. Steve and Nia King 5. Lucas Copplestone, LJC Art; Marke Erickson

Saanich Peninsula Chamber of Commerce Tour of Industry: 6. Marc Bourdon, Saanich Peninsula Chamber of Commerce; Cam McLennan, IslandPro Mowing. 7. David Cardinal, Level Ground Trading  8. Adrian Round, Ocean Networks Canada

EduTech 2018: 9. Julian Sale, Motorize Your EV Store  10. Volunteer Sue Maitland, Town of Sidney Councillor Erin Bremner-Mitchell, Volunteer Debbie Sherwood  11. Pat Taylor and Denny Warner, Saanich Peninsula Chamber of Commerce  Photos by

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