Seaside’s Peninsula Powerhouses: Fun, Fitness & Fundraising

by Deborah Rogers | Photo by Kathyrn Alvarez Photography – 

On any particular Sunday morning at Elk Lake there will always be plenty of walkers and runners. You’ll find all ages; in all sorts of clothes; men and women; in pairs, groups or alone. In mid-January we added to the number with our first gathering of Seaside Magazine’s “Peninsula Powerhouses,” the team we’ve entered for the Goddess Run. There were 15 of us, every one a goddess in my eyes! Whatever their level of fitness or experience I wanted to be sure they all felt welcomed and supported. Women can be very hard on themselves when it comes to anything competitive. By signing up and committing to our team and this fundraiser this group are all winners already!

As Team Captain my role is to provide the motivation and support that each member needs to make it the best experience for them. Whether they run or walk, tackle the 5km or 10km, participating together is a powerful statement. But if the time and distance aren’t the draw, why are we doing it? Beyond the fitness benefits and the challenge of pushing ourselves, our team is raising funds for Victoria Women’s Transition House. We’re showing the power of a group of women working together, and we’re showing how the Saanich Peninsula community is amazing at pooling resources and supporting one another.

Not every woman will experience abuse within a relationship, but research tells us that more than four in 10 women have experienced intimate partner violence. Statistics released this year suggest that approximately one in eight Canadian women are likely suffering from an unrecognized brain injury related to domestic violence (from heads repeatedly hitting the floor, or hands around throats). Every six days in Canada a woman is killed by her intimate partner. Violence within relationships is a very challenging subject to talk about, but ensuring that someone keeps talking about it is essential. The funds our team raises for Victoria Women’s Transition House will be put to use at their Shelter, for their counselling programs and towards education and advocacy to try and stop the cycle of abuse.

Seaside’s “Peninsula Powerhouses” will be putting in many hours of training in the run up to the March 5 race day. Along the way we’ll be encouraging each other, raising each other up and keeping the conversation open about the way women can support each other in all areas of life.

If you would like to make a donation to our team fundraiser for the Victoria Women’s Transition House you can do it online. Follow the link from the Seaside Magazine website: We are grateful to have been joined by Fit4All and Outfit Outdoor Fitness to help spur us on and stay injury free. Email me if you want to get involved in any way:

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