Style Sense – Closet Cleaning

Words & Photos Tanya Murchie

If I had a dollar for every time a woman has said to me “I never know what to wear”, “my closet is a disaster”, or “I have no sense of style,” well, I’d be a rich woman.

For over 35 years, I have been involved, in some form or other, in fashion, retail, display, and as a buyer and stylist. I have always loved clothes and those who know me will agree! Now in 2025 and with the new Seaside, I am so pleased to share what I have learned.

Let’s begin with CLEAN YOUR CLOSET! Yes: take everything out and make yourself a cup of tea or pour yourself a glass of wine.

Rule #1
Keep only what makes you feel GREAT! If you have not worn it in two years, you’re not going to wear it. “When I lose 10 pounds, I will wear it.” Sound familiar? There are so many excuses to hang onto things, but give them away to a friend, take them to a consignment store or donate it to charity; they can always use good clothes. Less is more and when you look good it shows.

Rule #2
Make your closet your friend. Make sure you have:

  • good lighting
  • a mirror
  • space for a stool
  • a nice rug storage boxes for miscellaneous items There are hundreds of videos on YouTube on how to organize your closet to its full potential.

Rule #3
Only hang seasonal items in your closet; put the remainder in plastic boxes. Organize by items, with blouses/shirts together, jeans/pants, jackets, dresses and for goodness sake use nice hangers – NO wire hangers!

The goal is to see everything you have … that’s it! Next time I will talk about basics.

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