The Natural Path – Spring Cleaning Beyond the Basics: Decluttering Your Mind and Space

by Dr. Marita Schauch, ND, Tall Tree Integrated Health Centre – 

Ever wonder why it’s so hard to get motivated with New Year’s resolutions in January, and why come spring you feel that gust of motivation to deep clean your whole house, try a bunch of new activities, or start crushing your goals?

Well, that might have something to do with January being still in the middle of winter, which is a rest cycle within the natural world. Spring is the time the natural world starts to come alive again and the new cycle begins.

So – in honour of the true “New Year,” let’s talk spring cleaning and not just the house. It’s time to overhaul your life.

Give Your Space a Deep Clean
Dust off the cobwebs, pull out the sofa and wash down the walls. Take this opportunity to tackle all of those little tasks that go missed during your regular cleanups. It’s also a great time to clean off the windows to allow for better light to come in as the sun returns. Open up the doors and windows, burn some sage and clean out the air in your space as well. I promise you will feel refreshed as much as your space will! It’s amazing how much we are emotionally, mentally and spiritually impacted by our environment.

Out With the Old
As you’re deep cleaning, this is a great time to Marie Kondo your space as well. Have a sort through your clothes and possessions and toss anything that is broken or worn out. Take inventory of what you love or is useful, and what would be better served donated to someone in need.

Do a Digital Declutter
Take the time to go through your devices or your cloud storage and clean up anything that is old or no longer necessary. Those 112 tabs open on your iPhone? Yeah, those are drawing on your mental energy as well! Shut down, reset, purge and clarify what’s important to you on your devices and cloud storage. Bonus is you’ll open up plenty of space to capture the memories in the seasons to come!

Take a Life Inventory
This is a prime time to take stock of what’s working, and what isn’t, within your life. Examine your habits, your routines, your hobbies, work, relationships, commitments, etc. and tap into what is bringing you fullness, authenticity and expansion. Where is it time to let go or create a change within areas that are not working well? Simplify wherever you can.

Clean Up Your Health Maintenance
How are your eating habits? Your exercise routines? How are you sleeping? Are you well hydrated? Are your supplements supporting you? It’s a great time to have a check in with yourself and/or with your healthcare provider to see how things are going and what might need to be adjusted. Spring is likely to give you that heightened energy to supercharge your commitment, your capacity, as well as the desire to incorporate more fresh foods into your diet. Take advantage of this momentum!

Happy Spring!

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