THE NATURAL PATH – Tips for Optimizing Digestion

by Dr. Kristen Bovee, Peninsula Naturopathic Clinic, Hydrate IV Wellness Centre –

Our digestion is arguably the foundation of our health. It impacts us on many levels, such as energy levels, pain syndromes and mood disorders. Most often the main reason patients seek my help is for digestive disorders or diseases. When trying to find the cause of any digestive problem, it is important to assess what foods are being consumed as well as identifying food sensitivities or intolerances. Ultimately, I will guide patients not only on what they eat, but also how to optimize the breakdown and assimilation of their nutrients. The following are some of these simple tips to keep your digestion working well.

Eat mindfully. This means taking your time and focusing on your meal as you enjoy it. Digestion begins as soon as you begin to prepare your meal. You are seeing and smelling what deliciousness is to come. This gets your brain sending signals to your digestive organs: to your mouth (salivation), your stomach (HCL and pepsin production), your liver (bile production and gall bladder contraction) and pancreas (enzyme secretion). When consuming your meal, be sure you are in a quiet environment and are not watching TV/devices or any other distraction that may distract you from what is in front of you.

Take your time while eating. Your body (particularly as we age) loses its ability to produce digestive juices. As a result (and at any age) we need to take the time to eat our meals to give our body the chance to work at breaking down the nutrients into absorbable “bits.” This means chewing each bite well. Take time between bites and do not rush yourself if you are in a hurry. Simply eat what you can and come back to it later if you have little time to eat.

Limit your fluids. Your digestive juices (saliva, stomach acid, bile and pancreatic enzymes) are active secretions that need to be in contact with your food. Limit fluids at the meal to half a glass of water only. Excess water, pop, milk and alcohol will prevent your body’s ability to concentrate on the task at hand: breaking down your healthy food and promoting its absorption.

Consider other digestive support. Even doing all these things to optimize our digestion, sometimes we still need a little help from mother nature. If you are exhibiting symptoms of poor digestion with meals such as bloating, feeling nauseated, or full even if just a small amount was consumed, this could be a sign that one or some of your digestive organs are stressed. Consider a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar before meals to increase the acidity of the stomach (particularly for those who are taking acid blocker medications), bitters to stimulate bile flow (Canadian or Swedish bitters can be found at the health food store) and/or a comprehensive digestive enzyme with your larger, more complex meals. Only those with ulcers (even if suspected) should not take digestive enzymes. Probiotics are also an effective and safe digestive support.

Whether you have the occasional gastric upset, are suffering with a chronic condition or just merely want to get the most out of what you eat, it is important to make sure you are allowing your body to be able to work its best on what you consume.

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