Trade Student Spotlight – A Love of Boats & the Water

by Heidi Hackman & Colleen McNamee, District Career Coordinators, SD 63 | photo by Kathryn Alvarez Photography – 

“Working on boats always keeps your brain engaged, as it takes a lot of thinking and problem solving which is what I want to do.” Wise words indeed spoken by a recent graduate in the Saanich School District. And did we have a program at Parkland Secondary waiting for a student just like Nicholas!

The Salish Sea, a historic body of water, plus smaller islands and the plethora of marinas, all make the Saanich Peninsula the perfect place for boat lovers and young students drawn in by the magic of it all. According to Boating BC, the recreational boating industry contributes more than $2.2 billion to our economy and employs 17,000 people. It is little wonder the Saanich School District partnered with Quadrant Marine in offering the Marine Service Technician Level 1 program as a dual credit program.

Nicholas Guns successfully completed this program in April during his Grade 12 year at Parkland Secondary. His love of boats and water started at an early age and in his own words, he reflects on his love of our area: “we have always owned boats. I would watch my dad take on these colossal projects and think it was cool. I would lend a hand when needed and I always liked the process. There were always just so many different things to do, every project was different from the last. Working on boats always keeps your brain engaged as it takes a lot of thinking and problem solving which is what I want to do.” This program was the perfect way for Nic to recognize which trade he was most interested in: “the MST course really covers a broad range of the trades because a boat is a combination of all the trades in one.”

During the program, which is online once a week and in person one day per month, Nic was working as a youth apprentice at Delta Marine. This combination of work and learning really helped Nic. “Everything I do there is directly applicable to the course and vice versa.” His plan is to complete his MST course and then go back and get his heavy-duty mechanic Red Seal, and he would like to volunteer with the Coast Guard. Nic feels that this will “open up a whole world of opportunity in the marine industry.”

His mom is so grateful the MST program exists. “Being able to complete his first-year apprenticeship in grade 12 is priceless,” she says. His career counselor, Colleen, has been extremely helpful in guiding him into a career at Delta Marine. Nicholas is looking forward to his second year at Quadrant Marine in the Fall.” He echoes his mom’s sentiments, saying: “My number-one support would be Ms. McNamee; she has put in countless hours on and off the clock to make sure I am on the right path. She really cares about me being on the right track and is laser focused on my career and invested in me and my success.”

Many students in our district are lucky enough to have real life experiences that help them decide what careers best suits their love and future ambitions. With school staff, Delta Marine and Quadrant Marine, Nicholas can follow his dreams. His success and sense of accomplishment is satisfaction enough for the dedicated adults who help him with “Floating Boats!”

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