Trade Student Spotlight – Taking the Leap: Markus Granger

by Heidi Hackman & Colleen McNamee, District Career Coordinators, SD 63 | photo by Kathryn Alvarez Photography –

September will bring with it cooler weather and lots of excitement, nervousness and anxiety, and like our weather, it is all very normal. For many recent graduates who will be venturing into a new educational adventure, their transition to that strange post-secondary world of challenges and discovery is still a mystery. For Markus Granger, he knows exactly what post-secondary is like. He will be starting his Level 2 Plumbing program at Camosun, having just graduated in June 2024 from Claremont Secondary.

Markus always knew that he wanted to be a plumber, having a dad with his own plumbing business helped guide him along that path. Working for his dad’s company, Granger Plumbing, over the summers and weekends “made it clear.” It also allowed him to get started on his Youth Work in Trades Program at Claremont. Markus has over 1,000 hours registered with Skilled Trades BC! This allowed him to take his Level 1 Plumbing program in his second semester of Grade 12. When asked about the leap from high school to college Markus has this to say: “It was definitely a really big jump, way more condensed and way more information coming to you each day. It was definitely fun to meet people in the same interest and even knowing a few people there also. Teachers are so kind and want you to succeed.” Markus also took advantage of the supports available at Camosun: “In the Level 1 program they offer so many things to help you pass. I went to math and science for help three times a week and once on a Saturday. It was the best thing there was and definitely made it possible to help me pass.”

Markus also took the Saanich School District’s TEx (Trade Exploration) program in second semester of his Grade 11 year. He found that this program, along with participating in the Youth Work in Trade program, helped prepare him for Camosun. He said: “It sure did help; it made me want to go to school and pass my classes, knowing I was going to Camosun in Grade 12, I was always looking forward for it and motivated to do so.”

Knowing what the expectations are at Camosun, taking advantage of the supports available and having supportive parents means we are confident Markus will have a very successful September.

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