
A December Plea

– by Valerie Green –

Throughout history, women have lost children for many different reasons such as difficult births resulting in stillborn infants or deaths from such diseases as pneumonia, scarlet fever or smallpox.

Today, parents are losing children to an equally horrific kind of death. The tragic end of young lives, which can no longer be categorized as accidental, is happening on our roads, as teenagers take the wheel with little driving experience, operating powerful cars at high speeds, often without wearing seat belts and under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Many of these tragedies are suicidal stupidity.

We don’t hear about the young people who are responsible, sensible drivers in the media. We only hear about the others.

I am sure that everyone knows the dangers of drinking and driving. I am also sure that no matter how many times you hear about these tragedies or actually see the blood and carnage at the scene, you are convinced that it will never happen to you because YOU are invincible.

I weep for all the parents who have lost a child through reckless behaviour on the roads, parents who will have to spend the rest of their lives with the image of a horrific scene as their child’s body was crushed between metal, or tossed in the air like a piece of exquisite china only to land on the concrete and break into a thousand pieces. These graphic images will always be there. Some will find help in their faith. Many will need counselling. Life will go on, but it will never again be the same.

We have educated young people about safe driving, speeding, and drinking and driving. People have volunteered at schools to talk of their own car crash experience. I am sure the kids listened, but the fatal crashes still occur. Something has to change.

So, before you take that drink, knowing you will be driving; before you get into an already over-crowded car knowing the driver has been drinking; before you forget to fasten your seatbelt; before you put your foot on the gas waiting for the adrenalin rush which comes with speed: STOP AND THINK: What will happen if I die tonight? How will my parents ever be able to live normal lives again? How will my sister or brother cope? How will my friends bear the loss of our friendship?

Ignore the peer pressure which tells you it’s cool to drink too much or drive too fast. It is much cooler to be alive the morning after the party instead of dead in the morgue.

Even if my Christmas plea only saves the life of one person during this season, then it will achieve its purpose. Remember those who love you and want to see you grow up. You have a lifetime ahead of you. Don’t waste it. You are our future. And without a future, there can be no past.

Valerie Green is an author/historian and can be reached at

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