First Word with Sue Hodgson

What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur? When meeting Jeff Mallett for our Can We Talk interview, he revealed that “true leaders never get pulled too far in either direction … one way to help make that happen is to be very self aware of strengths and weaknesses, listen and learn from others, and don’t be afraid to show empathy to others; it lets folks know you care.”

After spending some time with him, I can characterize Jeff as the Allen key to everything! He exemplifies six powerful attributes in his life, and in business: determination, desire, creativity, passion, leadership and commitment. Jeff is a local Victoria success story, known as the hyperactive get-it-done guy, a “capital-preneur” and the cofounder of Yahoo! He is truly a reflection of all the possibilities that are out there. Jeff’s achievements demonstrate clearly that success doesn’t necessarily come from a book, but from dedication, vision and a strong network of support. When he’s in town he makes a point of staying connected with UVic’s Peter B. Gustavson School of Business, and you will often find him at speaking engagements with students. In his own words: “Young people can follow a passion and get the experience before getting burdened by other things in life. The only person you have to answer to is yourself. I’m begging you to do that.”

I have to admit that even with many hours of research and preparation, I was nervous to meet with Jeff, wanting to make the most of the opportunity and grateful of his time on a flying visit to Victoria. During our conversation though, I quickly felt at ease and we spoke as one entrepreneur to another. Jeff was down to earth and a terrific storyteller. Putting together this issue of Seaside Magazine, I spoke with many small business owners and the same messages came through time and again: it’s hard running a business, you have to be flexible and adapt to your market, there’s always learning to do, and if you’re not learning and growing you can’t succeed. Jeff Mallett is an extraordinary example of business success, but we are surrounded by other examples of success stories throughout our local business community.

Whether Jeff is working on his latest investments like Big Balls Media or Gametime, a leader in mobile last-minute ticketing, you can be sure he will still be harnessing other projects, even while he’s literally getting dirt under his fingernails while harvesting grapes at his Napa Valley vineyard. There’s a great message there, from the multi-millionaire who fits in perfectly in blue jeans and a casual shirt for our interview!

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