Seaside Magazine Starfish

Friends & Neighbours: There’s Something About Isabelle

– by Susan Simosko –

Friends & Neighbours is a column about the people who quietly enrich our lives personally and collectively every day. They distinguish themselves by the incredible things they do, whether or not we even notice. It is my pleasure to introduce you to a few of these remarkable people and to share something of their stories.

Lonely? Without a driver’s license? Wondering what life has in store for you? If so, talk to Isabelle Yoxall. The long-time Sidney resident has some advice: “Do something. Anything. Just get started – there is so much to do, so many people to meet!”

And she should know. Isabelle volunteers her time and energy with Beacon Community Services, Rotary Bingo at the Fairgrounds, and several other community organizations. She delivers 200 TideLines a month, helps in the Shoal Centre coffee shop, and works in the Thrift Shop. Remarkably, she still has time for friends, exercise and movies. Until recently, before she voluntarily gave up her license, she drove people to doctor’s appointments too. Even without a car, she still lends a hand to families or individuals in need. She’s seemingly unflappable and manages to move through life with purpose, grace and compassion. Yes, there is something about Isabelle: she’s awesome!

Raised on a farm in Saskatchewan, Isabelle came to the Peninsula some 30 years ago. She and her then husband owned a service station and when that phase of her life ended, she worked at Glen Meadows Golf Club as “chief cook and bottle washer.” One day, when the banquet chef was unable to work, Isabelle stepped in. I ask how she learned to prepare banquets so quickly. She is incredulous that I would ask such a question: “I was a wife and mother for years!” she laughs. “Whether you cook one roast or six, there’s not much difference!” That’s Isabelle: modest, self-effacing and taking life in stride.

Isabelle says she enjoys all of her volunteer activities because “I love people and like to be involved.” She particularly enjoys the friendly atmosphere of the Thrift Shop. Her most satisfying activity though is contributing to the annual Christmas dinner held at the Mary Winspear Centre. As coordinator of 30 volunteers, Isabelle starts the planning process in October and continues working straight through until the last meal is served. “We have a great group of volunteers,” she tells me. “It’s a lovely event and the 200 or so guests are always so appreciative.” At the end of the afternoon, when everything is clean, tidy and back in its place, Isabelle invites the volunteers to her home for a bit of Christmas cheer and a chance to put up their feet and chat. “It’s a lovely time,” she says, “like being with family. I wouldn’t miss it.”

Isabelle’s exercise program is just about as rigorous as every other aspect of her life. She loves Panorama and regularly uses the exercise bike, treadmill and weights in the gym. She also makes good use of the pool, especially “the river when it’s going full blast” at 7 a.m. “Good for the joints,” she tells me. Truly, people half her age would have trouble keeping up.

Isabelle is also a great fan of Star Cinema. “We are so lucky to have it,” she says. “The new seats are fantastic.” Isabelle sees most movies the Star brings in and encourages others to join her. “Lots of people sit inside and watch TV. They lose the habit of going out in the evenings – that’s sad and not at all healthy,” she softly laments.

Yes, there is something special about Isabelle: at 82, she’s an inspiration!


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