Seaside Magazine Starfish

In Good Health: ORCCA: A Headstart on Healthy Teeth and a Good Life

– by Doreen Marion Gee –

This is the last in a six-part series of profiles on some great local businesses that are working to keep us all in good health.

In 1950s James Bay, poverty and affluence lived side by side. Our family did well but many of my friends lived on ketchup sandwiches in a brutal time before welfare programs. Having no access to dental care, the beautiful faces of my girlfriends were disfigured by rows of bad rotten teeth. Even as a child, I sensed this indignity would probably follow them for the rest of their lives. Healthy teeth and good oral health are vitally important to children and youth on many different levels. A humanitarian program developed by two amazing local women provides access for all young people to the life-changing benefits of a healthy mouth of teeth.

When Heather Burkett was principal of Saanich School District, she met a young boy in desperate need of dental care – “His mouth was black” – but his family had no means to pay for the dental work. “He had been experiencing major challenges in school,” but after Heather found a dentist who repaired his mouth, “the boy became a model citizen.” Dr. Mitra Hashemi of Coast Dental Care said she “cried” over a 19-year-old patient with decayed front teeth, who felt so crushed by his low-income status that he refused to take her offer of help. It was pure serendipity when the two compassionate women met as patient and doctor. “Those situations reached both our hearts,” and they partnered with the goal of providing a facility where children and young people could access the dental care they needed and deserved. Equally important, they wanted a non-stigmatizing clinical setting where everybody was in the same boat. Mitra and Heather formed a non-profit society, “Oral Care for Children and Adolescents”(ORCCA) to provide access to affordable dental care for children and adolescents under 19 from low-income families on the Peninsula and in surrounding areas. Their new facility opens this summer in the annex of Sidney Elementary School.

Enjoying a mouth of healthy teeth is vitally important to the health and well-being of children and teens. The multiple positive ripples from good oral health are “life-changing” to Heather and Mitra. “The improvement in self-esteem is a major factor,” as the child looks and feels better. For the young boy: his health improved and he finally got relief from two years of pain. Heather: “The boy went from not opening his mouth or speaking to conversing with other kids and adults in a positive way.” Proper care of oral health at a young age can prevent many of the 275 diseases that can affect the oral cavity (Stats: Dr. Richard Stanwick, Chief Medical Officer). Excellent dental care in childhood gives kids a healthy start in life, and the boost to their self-perception gives them the confidence to take on challenges, grab opportunities and pursue their dreams.

ORCCA is also involved in the prevention of dental problems, educating young people about oral health and care and catalysing public involvement in the dental health of kids and teens.

Mitra and Heather express their deep gratitude for the support of Sidney-by-the-Sea Rotary Club, Telus, Henry Schein Dental Co., CIBC, WestJet, Sinclair and Patterson Dental Companies, Peninsula Co-Op, and the support from Saanich School District. Many thanks to all the individuals who donated to ORCCA. Mitra is “very impressed with the wonderful supportive response from the dental community” to their project.

ORCCA is a brilliant humanitarian initiative “based on the beliefs that all children and adolescents have the right to healthy oral care.” Just imagine the groundswell of benefits from ORCCA: Healthier families and community with many children and youth enjoying a better shot at success and a good future.

A note to Donna and Linda, my childhood pals: Wherever you are, I hope that you finally got that white healthy smile that you always deserved.

For upcoming ORCCA events, email; for details of the program, to donate and for financial eligibility guidelines, visit

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