Kitchen Sink Czar

– by Jennifer Bowles –

On Sunday mornings in my house, no clock is required to let us know our scheduled weekend Caesar is due. And believe me, it is scheduled year round.

I’m not talking about a Caesar salad. Oh no, I am talking about that quintessential beverage that eats more like a meal, and nobody bats an eye when they’re served well before noon.

The Bloody Mary, which is simply tomato juice and vodka, is often compared to, but in fact is distinctly different from, its sister beverage the Caesar. Caesars are typically the go-to bevvy of those who imbibed the night before and are feeling somewhat worse for wear. Referred to in many circles as the miracle cure for what “ales” you, they are usually comprised of a celery-salt rimmed glass, crushed ice, premium vodka, a few dashes of hot and Worcestershire sauce and finished with clam and tomato juice. This Canadian classic is definitely delicious as is, but I know we can do better than that.

Musing on the possibilities of how to transform this classic beauty into a knock out, I did some research and came up with a variation of this gem that gives it a cleaner spin and, I think, a more whimsical approach to the classic Caesar. This concoction epitomizes summer. Its crisp elements pair with some crunchy vegetables for a more toothsome product that makes like a light breakfast. I call it Kitchen Sink Czar! It’s a cross between a simple garden salad (without the lettuce) and the classic Caesar; however, the levels of flavour are remarkable in this truly refreshing libation.

Kitchen Sink Czar Recipe
(Makes One)

3 baby heriloom tomatoes

1 tbsp chopped cilantro

1 tbsp chopped chives

½ tbsp chopped basil

2 wedges lemon and lime

1 radish, cut in half

4 cucumber ribbons or just 2 medium wedges of cucumber

2-3 dashes Worcestershire sauce

good pinch sea salt

2-3 tsp pickled onion juice

2-3 tsp pickled jalapeno juice

good grind of pepper

1 B.C. spot prawn

tonic & vodka

Slightly crush the heirloom tomatoes to burst their skin and place in the bottom of a good-sized cocktail glass (tumbler glasses won’t work), then add the rest of the ingredients except the last two. Throw in a handful of ice and one shot of chilled premium vodka. Top with tonic and mix well. You can garnish this with whatever you like, but who can resist our deluxe B.C. spot prawns. You can serve this with a little cocktail fork to ensure all those newly marinated veggies are enjoyed as well! Simply poach and skewer the prawn and voila: you have a healthy, wholesome cocktail for that summer morning get-together with mates or just for your relaxing weekend morning!

Enjoy Everyone!


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