Seaside Magazine Starfish

New Beauty Treatments in Town: Sea Breeze Laser & Beauty Clinic

– by Deborah Rogers –

This is the third in a four-part series on some of the unique and local shops the Saanich Peninsula has to offer.

Sidney has a new option for beauty treatments. Sea Breeze Laser & Beauty Clinic has just opened, sharing space with the Refresh Spa at Suite 102 – 2527 Beacon Ave. It’s the only laser clinic in Sidney offering services usually only available at a dermatologist’s office and is run by Joan Wilson and technician Sue Scholes. Joan has a long history in the cosmetics industry and Sue has an aesthetics background from her own clinic on the Peninsula. Together they have lots of laser experience.

For those who don’t know, laser treatments are a safe and pain-free way of addressing hair removal and other minor cosmetic issues. Using a state-of-the-art Sciton Profile machine, the certified laser technicians can quickly and effectively remove body hair. After a six-session treatment, hair is permanently gone. The laser is also a great way to remove blemishes such as sun-spots, spider veins, rosacea, acne scarring and wrinkles.

Joan is adamant that laser treatment is the future for hair removal: “when I think of all the money I spent on waxing over the years, I could have had laser treatment all over my body several times over!” The new lasers are very efficient, reducing treatment time to just 20 to 30 minutes for a whole leg treatment. The cost has come down too. Originally only available from a doctor, now improved training and equipment has opened the market up to fully-trained technicians such as Sue and Joan. In a comfortable and relaxed environment, the laser can easily remove hair from any part of the body. Joan describes how she loves to see people feel great about themselves after their treatment is complete.

Joan is a big advocate for the rejuvenating power of the photo-facial treatments. The gentle heat applied by the pulsed laser soaks through to the skin layer beneath the surface. It penetrates the cells and stimulates them to produce collagen, which helps your skin revitalize itself. In the future, the Clinic plans to add additional filters to their machines to allow skin tightening and cellulite targeting treatments to their list of services. These include the Skin Tyte and the ProFractional filter; both of which come highly recommended.

Joan has big ambitions for her new business. With a grand champagne opening planned for September, she recommends keeping up to date with Clinic developments through their Facebook page. For now there are big discounts available to new customers. Until July 31st there is 25% off all hair removal prices; that makes booking early a real necessity. Visit for more information and to book your first appointment.


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