My Story

by Max –

This is my Christmas story. I am an American cocker spaniel and a “rescue dog.” There are lots just like me looking for homes and new friends. I was four-and-a-half years old when I was left at the Victoria SPCA about five years ago because of “allergies,” they said. My coat was a mess, I had bad infections in both ears and was scared of men. My attitude about life was so sour at that time that somebody said I should not be put out for adoption.

Kind people at the SPCA worked with me, though, and helped me get better, groomed me a bit and my attitude improved to the point that they said I’d fit in with “an older couple.” One day, the Missus and the Old Guy walked in and they said they missed having a dog. The OG said he wanted a “real dog” and I didn’t qualify – “too small,” he said. They took me for a walk and I got on really well with the Missus, who said I should come home with them and I did – in fact I sat on her lap all the way there!

Even though my new people seemed kind, I was still nervous as to whether or not I had a forever home. A lot of baggage came with me and I was still scared – of new surroundings and people I didn’t know – and I lashed out at many things. One day the OG picked me up and I almost bit him – I had a broken rib in my past life and it still hurt. I growled at every man I saw except Mike across the street – he was my next new friend. They said I was “bug-eyed scared” of just about everything else.

I was lucky: my new people allowed me to have my own space, gave me time to move in and didn’t push things too much. The fellows on the block all turned out to be really nice – they’d get down on the grass and make friends with me and pretty soon I really enjoyed getting ear rubs, belly scratches and treats. Life had taken a turn for the better!

When the Missus and the Old Guy went away and left me with neighbours, I thought: “Here we go again.” But then they came back! I finally was sure I had my “forever home” and crawled into Missus’ lap to tell her how happy I was. Now I give back all the affection I can to Missus and the OG who says I am his best friend too and a “real dog” after all.

There are lots of others just like me, all of whom need a home but may carry lots of baggage because of unhappy past situations. Thanks to rescue groups, most of us find good homes. I know it took a lot of patience on the part of my new people and they gave a lot, but I hope I give back even more – they say I do.

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