Seaside Magazine Bird

Saanich Peninsula Hospital Auxiliary Through the Years

The Auxiliary to Saanich Peninsula Hospital has been actively serving this Hospital and this community since its inception in 1974. The current membership of 125 dedicated volunteers support a variety of fundraising activities including their annual Christmas bazaar & craft fair, bake sales, bridge luncheons and the operation of the hospital gift shop. All funds raised are used to provide needed equipment for the Saanich Peninsula Hospital, thereby benefiting patients, Extended Care residents and the entire community.

During this time the Auxiliary has contributed approximately $2 million which has been used to fund items ranging from a bus for Extended Care residents to take day trips and outings to high tech surgical and diagnostic equipment, electric beds and furnishings. This outstanding achievement represents a great deal of hard work, enthusiasm and dedication on the part of the members. The Auxilians are widely recognized throughout the community, serving in the gift shop, moving within the Hospital, and selling bazaar raffle tickets throughout the summer and fall at various local venues.

The Auxiliary has a triple mandate: to add to the care and comfort of hospital patients and residents, to raise funds for this purpose and to liaise with the public.
In addition to fundraising, the Auxiliary also provides services within the Hospital designed to aid patient care and comfort such as the Hospital gift shop, monthly birthday parties for Extended Care residents, and public relations and receptionist services to the Mobile Screening Mammography Clinic which visits the Peninsula twice yearly. Two $2,000 bursaries are also awarded yearly to post-secondary students entering medically-related fields.

Over the years, the Auxiliary has played an extremely active role in aiding and abetting the maintenance of our community hospital as a full-service facility capable of meeting the growing needs of this large area and is fully committed to this goal.

2015 has been a busy year for our Auxiliary President Donna Salter and her Executive with an ambitious program of events. An Easter bake sale was held in April; a bridge luncheon and a new member tea took place in May; and preparations are underway for the annual Christmas bazaar & craft fair on November 14th at the Mary Winspear Centre in Sidney, a mini bazaar in the Hospital on November 26th, and a presence at A Touch of Saltspring Christmas Show at the Panorama December 4th to 6th.

Saanich Peninsula Hospital is a very special place for this entire community, and it is more special because of this dedicated and energetic group, who in the true spirit of volunteerism has combined fundraising, fellowship and fun to serve this community!

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