Trade Student Spotlight: Doug Evans

– by Stu Rhodes –

They say “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” Well, in part that’s what Doug Evans did when he wanted to learn more about working in the marine service sector. His inquiries about Marine Service Technician (MST) helped prompt Saanich School District to develop a three-way partnership with Industry Training Authority of B.C. and Quadrant Marine Institute.

Doug was one of five students in the first-ever cohort of high school students enrolled in MST apprenticeship training. The delivery model integrated a transition to work in the field of marine service and repair. Doug secured a practicum placement with Ben Gartside of Gartside Marine Engines, then became indentured as an MST apprentice, where he continues to work on a full-time basis, more than a year after the program start date.

Owner Ben Gartside admits to a personal and business philosophy, “apprenticeship training is essential,” and credits industry guru Campbell Black for helping promote this shared philosophy within the local marine industry sector. Gartside said it is a pleasure to hire a young, enthusiastic apprentice who comes to work with the right attitude. There is a certain vicarious reward that comes from mentoring an apprentice with an appetite to learn, and a passion to understand how things work. “I like the way he asks questions out of the blue. Then I know he’s been thinking about stuff.”

Talking to Doug, it’s clear that he enjoys working in this field. “It’s absolutely mind opening!” he said. He is particularly taken with working in the mechanical domain of MST and loves to tear down and rebuild engines. “It’s so amazing how much goes into this stuff, and how little the average person actually sees.” He loves the problem-solving challenges of getting old engines to operate smoothly again.

Doug’s parents are thrilled with his success too. His father, David, was quick to tell how Doug is already working on his level-two certification and also taking evening courses in welding at Camosun College. He is so proud that both his sons took advantage of trade training programs as part of their high school education, which allowed them to transition directly into the work force with the training they got during school. “These days lots of jobs go begging for candidates. It’s nice to see youth being trained to fill these spots.”

When asked what he’d be doing in five years’ time, Doug said he’d be a certified MST, and working on his MMT (Marine Mechanic Technician), and he’d still be working and learning at Gartside. His advice for students still in high school? “Take advantage of ‘Work Experience’ courses to explore possible occupations. When you find something you like, just do it. And, make sure you capitalize on trade training opportunities offered in high school.”

For more information on how to get involved as a student apprentice, or as an employer sponsor, contact your neighbourhood school or Stu Rhodes at 250-415-9211. Be sure to view our promotional YouTube video, Jump Start Your Career, at

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