
Westcoast Motorcycle Ride to Live 2016

The Westcoast Motorcycle Ride to Live – Vancouver Island is a volunteer organization that dedicates their time to “Saving B.C. Men” in the fight against prostate cancer. In a tremendous partnership with The Prostate Centre, the Ride to Live is run by a team of committed volunteers who have an interest in helping to find a cure for this terrible disease. Some are survivors of prostate cancer; others have seen friends and family members afflicted with this disease. Many on the steering team have been fundraising for this cause for a number of years.

The group organizes several fundraising events throughout the year, the flagship of which is a spectacular motorcycle ride throughout Southern Vancouver Island that attracts upwards of 600 riders, all raising funds for prostate cancer research and awareness. Since 2010, and entirely through volunteer efforts, Vancouver Island Ride to Live (VI-RTL) has raised over $480,000 to bring greater awareness to the Victoria community about prostate cancer, and particularly, how early detection can save lives.

VI-RTL was formed as part of a larger organization in British Columbia: the Westcoast Motorcycle Ride to Live (WMRTL). The Mission Statement behind all of the work for the Westcoast Motorcycle Ride to Live is: To improve the health and quality of life of British Columbian families by assisting with the fight against Prostate Cancer through an annual fundraising event called the WESTCOAST Motorcycle Ride to Live.

The Westcoast Motorcycle Ride to Live event builds awareness and establishes hope and pride for men, their families and friends impacted by prostate cancer. Their motto – which is the guiding principal behind all of their fundraising efforts – is “What’s Raised on the Island, Stays on the Island.”

The Westcoast Motorcycle Ride to Live and the funds they raise help to provide enhanced programs and services for men and their families’ right here on Vancouver Island. Through this annual event, they are helping increase the awareness of prostate cancer in our community, ensuring necessary support services and resources are available to all men afflicted with the disease.

Mark your calendar for Sunday, May 29th, 2016 for the 6th annual Westcoast Motorcycle Ride to Live.

Who are you riding for?

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