ARTS SCENE – Joanell Storm: Capturing Creativity

by Jo Barnes | photos by Amanda Cribdon Photography –

When it comes to an art piece, it’s about getting the right angle, the ideal colours and the right subject. But mostly it’s about just getting started!

Whether it’s drawing, painting or sculpting, or any other artistic medium, initiating a project is oftentimes the most challenging part of the process, but as talented Brentwood Bay painter Joanell Storm can attest, the rewards make it all worthwhile.

“Getting started is the biggest challenge of all! I thought about one piece for a month before doing anything at all,” shares Joanell, adding: “but the reward erases the angst.”

Attaining goals and taking on challenges, however, are familiar to Joanell, as she is a former Olympian, having competed in the 1984 Games in Los Angeles.

“I like to be challenged and am competitive,” says Joanell. “I went to the 1984 Olympics with the Canadian Rowing Team. My husband also participated. This is how we met, through rowing.”

Art is not only a creative outlet, but it can provide tangible goals. Joanell’s experience with a Town of Sidney art project in 2018 is a prime example. An initiative to promote local artists and enhance the town’s streets, the Utility Box Beautification Project invited artists to submit their original art to be reproduced and beautify six utility boxes. Joanell’s painting “Strait View” was one of 73 submissions that were received and evaluated.

“A co-worker told me about the project, and so I thought I’d enter a painting,” she says.

To her delight, her painting was selected and reproduced on the BC Hydro Box located on Beacon Avenue frontage of Mariner Village Mall. It’s a striking image of graceful arbutus trees set against the island waters, an image so familiar to any resident of the Saanich Peninsula.

“‘Strait View’ is what you see around you,” comments Joanell. “On a winter’s day, the utility box is drab, so the painting is a reminder of that bright day in summer.”

Art is an ability that Joanell has enjoyed for a long time and is in her family roots.

“I could always draw and loved art class,” shares Joanell. “I was born in California. My grandfather was an artist who did California Impressionism. He left a huge collection of work.”

While she has taken classes in acrylic and portrait painting, Joanell has primarily developed her skills by using them and learning with each piece she has produced. The process has brought personal satisfaction.
Says Joanell: “Doing art makes me feel good. I like to capture the essence of something.”

As an outdoor enthusiast, Joanell often depicts the beautiful landscapes of Vancouver Island. In addition to painting, she does lino block printing, creates cartoons and personalized birthday cards and unique wire drawings.

“I take old boards and tie wire. The challenge is to keep the strand of wire continuous,” shares Joanell.

Some of these interesting creations have been on display at Alexander’s Coffee in Sidney and have caught the attention of patrons.

“The owners have done art shows at the coffee shop where my wire drawings have been on display. People seem to really like them,” says Joanell.

A favourite medium for Joanell is pastels which she uses to create portraits of people and horses.

“I really like pastels. They are very immediate. They blend well together,” shares Joanell. “Pastel creates a piece that is seamless with beautiful textures.”

Sometimes her finished creations elicit profound gratitude from those who have commissioned the work. Recently Joanell did a portrait of a woman’s childhood pony and had arranged it on a small easel for showing. When she removed the drape over the piece, the woman immediately burst into tears of joy.

“It’s exactly what the pony looked like, she said. It was very rewarding,” comments Joanell.

Like many artists during this time of pandemic, the loss of potential art shows or events that bring artists together, has made the creative process hard. Life is stressful right now with uncertainties and disconnection. It can easily impact the impetus to make art.

“It has really affected my creativity,” acknowledges Joanell, adding with a smile: “but I’ve shifted my focus to our vegetable gardens and a new project of raising chickens. The creativity will come back at some point.”

If you’re looking for an original wire drawing, a custom cartoon or printed card for a special event or perhaps a commission for a portrait, you can contact Joanell at

Whether with a strand of wire, a pastel stick or just with a pencil, this artist has found a way to not only express what she sees and feels, but once she has started, the end result is a delight to the eye.

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