It’s no secret that the team at The Sidney Pier Hotel & Spa likes to throw a party, and in the New Year they are at it again!
Giving back to the community in a meaningful way is the reason for the January event each year; on January 23rd, 2016 it will be to support the Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre.
Leaving the Mardi Gras theme behind, this year the party is a celebration of New York City circa 1979, locally dubbed “Bright Lights, Big Sidney.”
The Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre (SODC), our own local not-for-profit aquarium, welcomes over 70,000 visitors a year. The aquarium is an important community-based attraction which offers self-guided exploration, daily activities, classes, school programs and summer camps.
With a mission to bring people face-to-face with marine life, SODC strives to provide first-hand experiences that foster understanding and stewardship for our oceans. Its vision is to be a champion of the Salish Sea and inspire all generations to explore, respect and take action on behalf of the oceans.
The Pier is excited to host the “Bright Lights, Big Sidney” event with net proceeds supporting this valuable asset in our community.
The main floor of the hotel will be transformed, recreating the music, food, art and energy of that era in the “Big Apple.” Studio 54 will feature a live DJ and the music to make you shake your booty. See the Statue of Liberty, MoMA, get your picture taken on the Brooklyn Bridge and take the turnpike to Atlantic City!
Virtually everyone who works at the Pier gets involved, and volunteers their time and energy to make the transformation come to life; whether it’s building sets or doing hair and makeup to go with the costumes, everyone contributes. It is a huge team-building event that leaves everyone with a good feeling and a sense of pride.
Tickets are $45 and include $10 in tokens for food and drinks, casino money and a souvenir. To purchase or for more information call 250-655-9445.