First Word with Sue Hodgson

What does giving back to your community mean to you? As the responsibilities of our daily life pull us in many different directions and we get stuck into solving problems in our own personal world, it is easy to forget about the bigger picture of what is going on in your community, city, and the world. I’ve said this quite a bit in my First Word, but I do believe things happen for a reason.

Late last year, I had a meeting with my editor and Brian Losie to talk about Access Awareness Day, happening this month in Sidney. It so happened that my editor was running late and, as time permitted, I got to know Brian quite well. I’m someone who wants to know who we are dealing with, what they are all about, and what’s their story. Within seconds we were both in tears. As he continued to tell me the story of how “Help Fill A Dream Foundation” came to the rescue of his daughter, I paused, thinking, and said without hesitation: ” I need to get involved; what can I do?”

I’m very proud that every month Seaside Magazine tells many stories about our community and unites us. Just today, out of the blue, I received a call. The woman tried several times before getting through, and all she wanted to tell me was “thank you for producing Seaside Magazine and sharing our local stories; it’s made a difference in my life.” I know that on paper Seaside is making a difference in our community but it’s time for more depth to what we can do.

So, on June 14th, Seaside Magazine will be hosting its first-ever charity event: “Taking It To The Street, in support of Help Fill A Dream Foundation. It will be a family fun event at the Mary Winspear Centre complete with entertainment, prizes, food, celebrities and the main event is bringing back one of Canada’s favourite pastimes – a street hockey tournament.

The Foundation assists children with life-threatening conditions (to age 19) with the ultimate goal of giving the children a reason to move through their illness. Kelly Slater, at age 15, is one of these kids. He has Cystic Fibrosis, and there is no cure. Imagine: his day starts at 5:30 a.m. each weekday with the first of two inhaled nebulizer drug treatments and a chest physiotherapy regimen to loosen the mucus in his lungs. This routine is performed morning and night and takes at least two hours out of Kelley’s day.

With all this, his love of hockey stays strong. He plays on the ice at least five or six times a week during hockey season. At the Taking It To The Street event, Kelley will be presented with his “dream” of playing hockey in Europe with his team this summer. I’m thrilled to work with the Foundation and to be able to assist in fulfilling dreams.

Giving of yourself freely without expecting anything in return can be one of the best experiences. We don’t always have to make a big time or money commitment to make a big difference in our community; it’s the little things that count.

Seaside Magazine is making a commitment to making a difference in our community.

“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale


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