Last Word with Allison Smith

There’s been a post popping up on various internet sites lately: “10 Ways to Give Your Kid a 1970’s Kind of Summer” (by Melissa L. Fenton courtesy of

The author suggests that, rather than feeling pressured to cram our kids’ summers full of non-stop, planned activities that will insure their time away from school isn’t wasted, we take our cues from a simpler time, that of the ’70s.

Here’s her list. For the full article visit

  1. Make them play outside all day.
  2. Let them watch TV.
  3. Eat whatever they want and/or whatever they can find.
  4. Send them to the movies for the entire day.
  5. Spend three nights in a row at your best friend’s house.
  6. Make stuff, like from stuff you find.
  7. Have them put on a talent show.
  8. Play “Simon” until you want to throw it against the wall.
  9. Build a fort in the backyard.
  10. Finally, learn to find the amazing in the extraordinary.

Clearly the article is a little “tongue in cheek,” but it makes some very valid points. I think we often lose sight of the simple things that made us so happy when we were children, things that our children could benefit from … if we can just pull them away from their smartphones/iPads/video games!

When I was a kid, summer was all about the things on this list. My grandparents’ home was on the water on the Sunshine Coast, and we spent almost every minute outside: swimming, playing on the beach, making up games, putting on plays, going into town for ice cream, watching endless episodes of The Brady Bunch and The Price is Right … the list goes on and on. Those were the best times: simple, sun- and family-filled days that provided me with some of my best memories.

All that being said, a few planned activities can certainly supply a nice balance to a summer of debauchery! Panorama Recreation Centre’s Play in the Park program is happening every weekday evening (until August 29th) from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at various parks throughout the Saanich Peninsula. For more information visit For lots of other summer activities happening locally, see our What’s Happening This Summer Guide for Kids and Teens:

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